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Street and place names prompt SPAB Scholar Bethan Watson to consider the lost country houses in her neighbourhood.


To celebrate we asked SPAB Scholar Tríona Byrne to write about her work as a conservation engineer


The original design of the square allowed for generous provision of green space to deal with 'spiritual matters’ of the day, all of which continues to be appreciated by residents today. SPAB Scholar Lilian Tuohy Main writes from North London.


It is with great sadness that we announce the recent death of Janet Locke. Janet was a SPAB Scholar in 1950 along with Donald Insall, Cecil Searle, Peter Locke and Pamela Cunnington. She will be remembered as an intelligent and sensitive architect.


Our archive documents the work of the Society since its foundation in 1877 and is an invaluable source of information and inspiration.


Our archive contains a file on building known as Willy Lott’s House in Flatford, Suffolk. which was was made famous by its depiction in John Constable’s paintings, most notably ‘The Hay Wain’.


Many people don’t know that before Hardy became famous for his novels and poems, he had an earlier career as an architect. He was also a committed SPAB member and volunteer.


Our communications manager, Ali McClary, writes from the suburb where dinosaurs roam...


Now a suburb of Plymouth, the area's changing fortunes are reflected in the dignified civic buildings. Rachel Broomfield, our casework officer, writes from Devon.


The oldest tree in the park at Versailles provides solace for Louise Simson, our property list editor, who writes from France.