Maintenance tips for renters

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Renting and unsure how and if you can carry out building maintenance? We’ve put together some tips for renters who’d like to do more maintenance to look after their home.Simple maintenance keeps buildings in good condiition and more energy efficient, which benefits both tenants and landlords.

  • Talk to your neighbours, play an active part in any residents' association and establish a positive relationship with your landlord or building's management company. 
  • Ask whether there is planned a maintenance schedule for the building, including external redecoration. Urge that one's considered, if not.
  • Establish how funds are to be used: is a new carpet for common areas a priority when there are slipped roof slates or tiles?
  • Urge repair of any old windows or doors, rather than their replacement
  • Carry out small maintenance tasks yourself, such as removing leaves from drains or gullies, where this can be done simply and safely
  • Keep an eye out and identify issues before they cause problems: if a downpipe is damaged or leaking, mention it before serious damp problems result
  • Take reversible steps to improve your comfort and keep the building dry, including: using draught excluders inside the external doors; hang heavy curtains to retain heat; keep bathrooms and kitchens well ventilated to prevent condensation.


Some maintenance resources for renters:

Advice for living in Scottish tenements from Under One Roof.
Tenants' Association of the National Trust.
Help with common problems from Citizens Advice and dealing with repairs under a private landlord.               
Advice on repairs and maintenance of rented properties from The Tenants Voice.

Are there any others that you'd recommend? Get in touch! or on social media @SPAB1877.

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