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A statement from SPAB director, Matthew Slocombe.


Proceeds from the concert will go to the fund set up in memory of Gloria Trevisan and Marco Gottardi, two young and talented graduate architects from Italy, who died in the Grenfell Tower fire.


Eight Spitalfields gardens, including the SPAB's courtyard, will be open to the public for the National Gardens Scheme (NGS) on Saturday 16 June, 11am-4pm.


The Law Commission has been asked by the Welsh Government to examine the operation of the Welsh planning system.


There is still time to enter a project for SPAB’s 2018 Betjeman Award. The prestigious annual award reflects Sir John Betjeman’s love and appreciation of ecclesiastical architecture and is open to all faith buildings.


SPAB Fellows, past and present, celebrated 30 years of the Fellowship programme at the Carpenters’ Company in London in November alongside supporters and donors.