Visit to St Laurence

Visit to St Laurence Church, East Harptree

SPAB Dorset Group

04/04/2023 - 04/04/2023
Introductory CPD, General interest
St Laurence Church
Church Lane,
United Kingdom

£7.50 per person. Proceeds to be donated to the Church Building Fund

Event details

Tuesday 4 April, 2-4 pm

St Laurence Church is a Grade 11* listed building dating from the 12th and 13th centuries with a tower added in the 15th century.

The Church has just undergone a project which as well as revealing the past also looks to the future.

Architect Tomas Griffin from benjamin and beauchamp architects ltd will explain the specialist work undertaken to reveal impressive wall painting in the chancel and conserve the Karl Parsons memorial stained glass.

He will lead us through the masonry repairs carried out and how the project has been focussed on the future with access and lighting improvements making the Church more appealing for community use. There will be an opportunity to look at the conserved and newly re-hung bells.


Multiple bookings
As long as there is space on the event, we usually allow you to book for both yourself and a guest. When completing the booking form, you will be asked to select the number of people and put in your own details on the first page, then to put in your second person's details on the next page. The event fee shown on each of these pages is for the individual person - you will be shown the total amount due once you get to the summary page.


Booking Terms & Conditions

Accessibility: please contact the Group Organiser before booking to discuss any special access requirements.

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