Charles Taylor Woodwork Workshop Visit

Charles Taylor Woodwork Workshop Visit
Visit to specialist woodworking workshop & talks on recent repairs to Mackintosh's 'Oak Room'
A glimpse into the world of timber craft - the smell of wood will be glorious!
Event details
This presentation by Charles Taylor Woodwork of Dalkeith and Hugh Garratt of Smith and Garratt Specialist Conservation Surveyors is designed to help professionals and enthusiasts understand the process of the conservation of historic woodwork. They will present the conservation challenges of two recently completed projects.
“The Oak Room” - The Charles Rennie Mackintosh Ingram Street tea room conserved and reconstructed as a major exhibit within the Scottish Design Gallery at the V&A Museum Dundee.
Hugh Garrett will present a talk on his role in the Sotheby’s award winning restoration of the Palladian mansion Marchmont House, Greenlaw.
There will also be the opportunity to view the workshop within the historic West Church, see the equipment and ask any questions you may have about the processes.
Coffee & Tea will be provided.
No special equipment is needed, but visitors are advised to wear sensible shoes as this is a working building and there may be unusual hazards on the route.
About SPAB Scotland
Members of the SPAB living and working in Scotland decided to form their own semi-autonomous group in 1995. Scotland has its own building traditions, architectural language and property laws, all of which are best dealt with locally. All members of the SPAB residing in Scotland are automatically members of SPAB Scotland.
Accessibility: please contact the Group Organiser before booking to discuss any special access requirements.