Advertise a job in the SPAB careers bulletin

The SPAB's careers bulletin is a monthly email service, sent exclusively to SPAB members.

The bulletin will next be sent on Friday 31 May 2024 - so please only submit job adverts that have a closing date later than this. Submissions must be received by Monday 27 May to be included.

Adverts will only be included in one bulletin. If you want your advert to appear again in the next month's bulletin, you will need to use this form to submit the details again.

We only include job vacancies that we feel are relevant to our members - generally only those that involve working with historic buildings or within the heritage sector. If we decide not to include your advert we will let you know in advance. Please make sure you enter your contact details accurately so we can get in touch if we have any questions about your advert.

Only paid roles are accepted for the bulletin, we do not include volunteering opportunities. 

If you are a corporate supporter of ours, your vacancy will appear in the featured jobs section at the top of the email, as well as under the job category.

Please note that your job being included in our careers bulletin does not constitute endorsement by the SPAB of products or services provided by your organisation.
Your details
Details of job vacancy