Remember A Charity Week
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William Morris left the SPAB as his legacy. Over 140 years ago he set out to 'protect our ancient buildings, and hand them down instructive and venerable to those that come after us’.
Since 1877 we have campaigned to protect old buildings, to honor his legacy and ensure that each generation has access to a rich built environment. To help us continue this important work we have partnered with Remember a Charity.
We will be taking part in Remember a Charity Week (7th-13th Sep), to encourage people to consider leaving a gift in their will. Remember a Charity is the largest consortium of its kind in the UK working to promote legacy giving. It has more than 200 member charities working together to inspire people to include a charity in their will. Remember A Charity have employed the Wombles, who we hope will capture your imagination and encouage you to think about what you'd like to pass on to the next generation. Take a look at our social media over the next week for more information!
Around one quarter of the SPAB’s income comes from the generosity of our supporters choosing to leave a gift int heir will, and no matter what the size they leave a lasting impact. Gifts have trained craftspeople, saved buildings from dereliction and funded vital research. Without them we simply couldn’t continue to do what we do.
Find out more about Remember a Charity and the support it can offer here; or for more information please contact Kate Streeter, Development Manager using kate.streeter@spab.org.uk
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