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Regular checks and maintenance tasks can make a huge difference to a building’s condition, lifespan, and energy efficiency. As the weather gets colder, here's what you can do to prepare your home. 


Stonemason and SPAB Fellow Jack Buchanan describes a visit to Pluscarden Abbey, where reverence for the past, coupled with a willingness to adapt and repurpose, creates a harmonious coexistence between the ancient ruins and a vibrant, living community. 


With so many households feeling the cost-of-living squeeze, for Maintenance Week we're sharing some quick and simple maintenance tasks that can help keep your home warm and comfortable this winter. 


We are disappointed to report that Broxtowe Council’s Planning Committee has voted to grant planning and listed building consent to an insensitive development of the Grade II* Willoughby Almshouses in Cossall, Nottinghamshire. 


Author Brian Hoggard explains some of the fascinating methods people have used to protect their homes. 


The best-selling Old House Handbook has now been completely updated to reflect current best practices and the latest thinking on the techniques and materials used to care for old buildings. 


The fire at Clandon Park was a tragedy, but one from which something new and positive can emerge. 


This Black History Month, we’re digging into our Archive to find out what happened to the home of Cesar Picton, one of Britain’s first Black "gentlemen".


Architects of the ancient world were not like the architects we know today. Author and architect Eleanor Jolliffe considers the emergence of the professional architect and the changing nature of the profession.


Morwenna is Head of Historic Buildings Climate Change Adaptation at Historic England and has previously worked for organisations including the National Trust and Churches Conservation Trust.