Hewitt's Windmill

Hewitt's Windmill


A 4-sailed tower mill, with an ogee cap, built in 1876 by William Hewitt. It worked regularly for 80 years until struck by lightning in 1956. Fully restored to working order by Frank Hewitt, great-grandson of William, in 1996. Awarded an SPAB plaque 1999. Display of photographs of the restoration, a Ruston & Hornsby oil engine and a Booth hammer mill. Sadly the sails were removed in 2011,...


Grid reference:

SK 873 886

Town/city: Gainsborough
OS sheet:


Postcode: DN21 5PT
Geocode: @53.3843973, -0.6837171 Open in Map

About 5 miles E of Gainsborough. Turn S off A631 Market Rasen road after Corringham, through Springthorpe towards Sturgate airfield, then R at two T-junctions.


Do you own or look after this mill? Contact us

Opening Times:

Not open at present. Partly visible from the road.

Additional Information:
