Polegate Windmill

Polegate Windmill


A 4-storey brick tower mill built in 1817, last worked by wind in 1942, restored in 1967, with three pairs of millstones and three working oat crushers. Cap and sweeps now turn to wind. Guided tours. Museum of milling including interactive exhibits.


Grid reference:

TQ 582 041

OS sheet:


Postcode: BN26 5LB
Geocode: @50.8145469, 0.2430218 Open in Map

West of A2271, at Park Croft, Polegate. 4 miles north of Eastbourne, mile south of junction with A27.


Do you own or look after this mill? Contact us

Opening Times:

Only open on six Sundays throughout the year, due to the tower of the mill not being accessible to the public at the moment.

For more information see here https://www.facebook.com/polegatewindmill/?locale=en_GB